Core Protocol™ Package


Core Protocol Package 

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Core Protocol Package Discussion:

  • 2 or 4 Mix Core Ionic Cleanse
  • 2 Signature Blend Tinctures
  • Collagen Support
  • PharmaceuticalGrade Enzymes
  • Supplemental Support
  • Belly Soak OR Nasal Spray OR Eye Rinse
  • Free Product – Medicinal Mushrooms, Pokeberry Juice, OR Lipospheric Vitamin C

It is customized by you, for you, with addressing your top two concerns. It is a comprehensive package that allows you to work on multiple aspects at once. It is based on the products that I myself used to get well. My drastic and rapid recovery resulted in thousands of others following and inquiring about my progress.

This package took a decade of personal experience, research, and the feedback from others. Alongside this kit, I also suggest considering raw egg smoothies, monthly liver flushing, and drinking sterile water. I feel that stages are more of a marketing strategy to keep you coming back, and for a very long time.

Keep in mind that any battle with health may involve many different aspects: bacteria, fungus, viruses, large parasites, toxins, and the biofilm matrix itself. Not only that, but the mucus production processes of our body and the damage that all of the above have caused, are also involved with this fight. THIS is why every person has a different battle and why there is no single remedy that gets everything. Understand that it entails becoming in tune with your body, doing your own research, and listening to your intuition. 

It is intended to cover many aspects of detox. By only having this kit you will have support for sweeping your intestines, fighting parasites, lowering toxins, replenishing with probiotics with prebiotics to feed them, a tincture for your top two concerns, collagen regeneration, blood-cleansing, immunity-boosting, viral protection, belly button soaking, and sensory system cleansing. For those that want a more aggressive protocol, especially for Rope Worm support, we suggest clicking on our “Rope Worm Solutions Protocol Package“.

Time, consistency, and diet are key factors to consider. We suggest to detox in continual “rounds”, staying with whatever seems to help, tapering down as you go, yet staying consistent over a long period of time. For those that feel healthy, it may be best to do this protocol once a year. However, chronic sufferers may require six months to a year of detoxing. This “1st round” protocol should last up to 6 weeks. The “2nd” round protocol should last twice as long, and so on.

We suggest experimenting with your protocol products to for multidimensional support, especially for skin issues. For instance, making tea with your parasite herbs and using the tea in your enema, douche, or even a detox bath! We advocate saturating your body with herbal compounds. Even our liquid collagen has the capability to heal minor cuts, wounds, including lesions – overnight!

Package Options: 

1. Core Cleanse: 

A “2 Mix Cleanse” is suggested for those who can still function. The two mixes consist of our intestinal sweep and parasite herbs. For those that are toxic, you may want to consider a “4 Mix Cleanse”, which includes those two as well as toxin binders and probiotics.

The intestinal sweep swells up, shoving large parasites, Rope Worm, and biofilm, clearing the intestinal tract overtime.

The parasite blend has THE most powerful herbs that you will find, including their larva and eggs.

Toxin binders may come in handy for those that are most sensitive, feeling extremely toxic, and to avoid “Herxheimer Reactions”.

Probiotics to reestablish the gut biome, as well as the prebiotics to feed them.

Available as powdered, traditional liquid tinctures, lipospheric tinctures, glycerites, or encapsulated. No matter the variation, the intestinal sweep comes powdered.

Intest~Ease (Intestinal Biofilm Sweep)

Parasite~Ease (Parasitic Purifier)

Impurit~Ease (Toxin Binder Complex)

Pro/Pre~Ease (Probiotics, Prebiotics, & Enzymes)

2. 2 Tincture Special:

You may want to consider choosing your tinctures based on your top two concerns. Our product names are intended to be self-explanatory. For example, if you want support for fungus, Fungal~Ease may be best. We truly do offer the best tinctures that you will find!


  • Biofilm Grenade– Biofilm seems to be present in most everyone, no matter what the issue. The biofilm matrix may contain bacteria, mold, and viruses. Cytokines, free radicals, or immunity may be initiating mucus that may eventually become a biofilm matrix home to pathogens.  These herbs are known for dissolution of the biofilm matrix.

  • Fungal~Ease– The same goes for fungal pathogens, which seem to play a part in the disease process itself. Most every person we meet suspects fungus to be a culprit.
  • Lyme Solutions– Hands down, one of our most successful blends thus far. The classification of Lyme and coinfection pathogens contains thousands of different species. This blend was inspired by Dr. Stephen Buhner and many are a component of his protocol for Lyme support!

3. Collagen Support:

We advocate replacing the collagen faster than pathogens can degrade it! Collagen supplementation supports the regeneration of lining and tissues. All of our internal structures are made of collagen, including our linings and vessels. Oral Tolerance is to teach our body to stop the attacks by ingesting the same protein immunity is attacking – collagen! We have created a liquid that is dense in untouched, cold-processed collagen fibrils from farm-raised eggs.

  • OralToler~Ease– This is our liquid collagen complex, containing six types of collagens! It is made from the eggs of pasture-raised, free-range chickens. Ovarian collagen is said to be identical to our own! 

  • Egg Solutions– This is 8 oz. of our slowly dehydrated, full-spectrum (all parts) egg powder. 2 tsp. of this powder is equivalent to 1 whole egg. It can be used as an additive for daily smoothies in place of raw eggs.

4. Enzymes: 

We offer pure, pharmaceutical-grade enzymes, without fillers. They are straight from the manufacturer, untouched, and undiluted. They are potent and powerful!

  • CrysaLynn is pure Serrapeptase powder, which are catalysts of the dismantling of excess proteins within our bodies. The outer coat of some bacteria, the biofilm matrix, plaque, and scar tissue are all made of proteins. These enzymes are like tiny “Pac men”, eating any protein it comes into contact with. Infection, especially a parasitic one, may initiate massive amounts of cellular debris, a target for this enzyme.

  • Candida Solutions This is a blend plant-dismantling enzymes. The structure of a fungal cell has cellulose on the outside and the inner core is protein. Therefore, there are also proteolytic enzymes in this mix as well.

  • SlimeZymes This is a blend of both the above enzymes, along with others and it is intended to dismantle the biofilm matrix.

5. Supplemental Support:

 Glutathione Solutions – Lipospheric glutathione, the “master antioxidant”. It plays a large role in increasing the cell’s ability to detox, more effectively and faster. Taking glutathione alone may result in excess glutamate. This is a blend that also contains glutathione and glutamate recyclers! It has a lemon flavor.

  • Earth OxygenHigh-quality humic and fulvic acids in the form of a glycerite. Some of our customers have called this a “game-changer”. We consider them a “replenisher”, as they seem to help sustain and feed the cells. Not to mention that they are dense in billions of species of probiotics.

6. Navel, Nasal, OR Eyes:

  It isn’t unusual, when starting to detox, that pathogens may run to, and hide in harder to reach places, such as the eyes, ears, and nasal passage. You may instead select a belly button soak, which is a method that has systemic connection, far beyond what we ever thought!

  • Belly Button Solutions– Do not underestimate the power of our navel connection to nearly every part of us. The navel is a doorway that goes directly to areas that may be considered unreachable, including any parasites or microscopic pathogens hiding there. This pacakge comes with the Fiber~Ease scent.

    • Nasal Solutions– A nasal spray allows us to go directly to the target, rather than going through digestion, bypassing it and crossing the blood/brain barrier. It contains pre-extracted compounds from potent and rare plants considered to be superior for pathogenic support. It comes in Bacterial Solutions scent.

    • Sensory~EaseHerbal eye rinse that literally saved my eyesight! It contains micro vessel capabilities. It contains constituents that are known to support eye health, such as zeaxanthin, lutein, vitamin A, C, and beta carotene.

7. Free Immunity Support:

 Immunity is something to support as you detox. Some herbs may be capable of modulating the immune system, which is like flipping switches on and off. 

  • MediMush – Medicinal mushrooms that contain some that only we offer. For example, the Ringless honey mushroom and bondarzewia. We suggest getting the tea, to enjoy a delicious, lovely cup of hot tea.

  • CherryBerry C – Lipospheric, whole-food vitamin C. It has a great berry taste, which is highly unusual for a lipospheric vitamin C. It contains powerful immunity, antioxidant, and viral properties.

  • Pokeberry Juice – Hand-squeezed, fresh, dark magenta pokeberry juice, which is actually one of the highest sources of vitamin C! It is a product that we are proud to offer and as far as we can tell, we are the only source to get it! Pokeberry juice is also highly and widely antiviral!

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Cleanse Variations:

2 Mix Powdered Cleanse, 2 Mix Standard Tincture Liquid Cleanse, 2 Mix Lipospheric Tincture Liquid Cleanse, 2 Mix Vegetable Glycerite Liquid Cleanse, 2 Mix Encapsulated Cleanse, 4 Mix Powdered Cleanse, 4 Mix Standard Tincture Liquid Cleanse, 4 Mix Lipospheric Tincture Liquid Cleanse, 4 Mix Vegetable Glycerite Liquid Cleanse, 4 Mix Encapsulated Cleanse

Tincture #1 Option

Adaptogen~Ease™ (Intended To Enhance Other Herbals), Adrenal Solutions™ (Adrenal/Hormonal Support), Alchornea, Sida Acuta, & Cryptolepis™, Alkaline Solutions™ (Oxygenation Support), Antibiot~Ease™ (Natural Compounds), Anxiety~Ease™ (Anxiety Support), Ashwagandha, Babesia~Ease™, Biofilm Grenade™ (Biofilm Busting Support), BoneStrengthen~Ease™, BritN~Ease™ (AntiFungal/Organ Supportive), Cell Armor™, Chaparro Amargosa & Desert Willow, Chlamyd~Ease™, CoInfect~Ease™, Constipation Solutions™, CryptoClaw™, Cytokine Storm™, DandiPine™, DesmoAnise™ (Desmodium & Anise – Brain Fog Support), Digestive Solutions™, Drowsy~Ease™, Ease~Siac™, Encystment Solutions™, Endocrine~Ease™, Energy~Ease™, Essential Pain Solutions™, Feminine Solutions™, Fluke~Ease™, Frank "N" Myrrh™, Fungal~Ease™, Garlic Tears™, Heartery~Ease™ (Heart Support), Herp~Ease Solutions™, Homeostase~Ease™ (AntiFungal/Organ/MultiDimensional), HPylor~Ease™, Immunity~Ease™, Inoculation Solutions™, Kidney~Ease™, Liver~Ease™, Lyme Solutions™, Lymph~Ease™, Mammary~Ease™, Medi/Mush~Ease™, Microcirculatory~Ease™, Morgellons Solutions™, Mucus~Ease™, Mycoplas~Ease™, Pancreas Solutions™, Parasite~Ease™, Pathogenic Purge™, Pineal Solutions™, Plasma~Ease™, Prostate~Ease™, Quorum Disrupt™, Replication Termination™, Respiratory~Ease™, Rope Solutions™, Sensitivity~Ease™, Stone Breakers™, Sugar Solutions™, Tape Solutions™, Toxin Mop™, Urinary~Ease™, Viral~Ease™

Tincture #2 Option

Adaptogen~Ease™ (Intended To Enhance Other Herbals), Adrenal Solutions™ (Adrenal/Hormonal Support), Alchornea, Sida Acuta, & Cryptolepis™, Alkaline Solutions™ (Oxygenation Support), Antibiot~Ease™ (Natural Compounds), Anxiety~Ease™ (Anxiety Support), Ashwagandha, Babe~Ease™, Babesia~Ease™, Biofilm Grenade™, BritN~Ease™ (AntiFungal/Organ Supportive), Cell Armor™, Chaparro Amargosa & Desert Willow, Chlamyd~Ease™, CoInfect~Ease™, Constipation Solutions™, CryptoClaw™, Cytokine Storm™, DandiPine™, DesmoAnise™ (Desmodium & Anise – Brain Fog Support), Digestive Solutions™, Drowsy~Ease™, Ease~Siac™, Encystment Solutions™, Endocrine~Ease™, Energy~Ease™, Essential Pain Solutions™, Feminine Solutions™, Fluid Reduce™, Fluke~Ease™, Frank "N" Myrrh™, Fungal~Ease™, GallBlad~Ease™, Garlic Tears™, Heartery~Ease™, Herp~Ease Solutions™, Homeostase~Ease™, HPylor~Ease™, Immunity~Ease™, Inoculation Solutions™, Kidney~Ease™, Liver~Ease™, Lyme Solutions™, Lymph~Ease™, Mammary~Ease™, Medi/Mush~Ease™, Microcirculatory~Ease™, Morgellons Solutions™, Mucus~Ease™, Mycoplas~Ease™, Pancreas Solutions™, Parasite~Ease™, Pathogenic Purge™, Pineal Solutions™, Plasma~Ease™, Prostate~Ease™, Quorum Disrupt™, Replication Termination™, Respiratory~Ease™, Rope Solutions™, Sensitivity~Ease™, Sugar Solutions™, Tape Solutions™, Toxin Mop™, Urinary~Ease™, Viral~Ease™

Collagen Options:

4 oz. OralToler~Ease™ Liquid Collagen, 8 oz. Egg Solutions™ Full-Spectrum Egg Powder

Enzymatic Solutions™:

1 oz. CrysaLynn™ Serrapeptase Powder, 4 oz. CrysaLynn™ Lipospheric Liquid, 4 oz. Candida Solutions™ Lipospheric Liquid, 1 oz. SlimeZymes™ Powder, 4 oz. SlimeZymes™ Lipospheric Liquid

Supplemental Support Product:

2 oz. Earth Oxygen™ Powder, 4 oz. Glutathione Solutions™ Liquid

Belly Soak, Nasal Spray, Or Eye Rinse:

2 oz. Belly Button Solutions™ Navel Soak (Fiber~Ease™ Scent), 1 oz. Nasal Solutions™ (Parasite~Ease™ scent), 1 oz. Nasal Solutions™ (Bacterial Solutions™ Scent), 2 oz. Sensory~Ease™ Eye Rinse

Immunity Support:

4 oz. MediMush™ Standard Tincture, 4 oz. MediMush™ Vegetable Glycerite, 2 oz. MediMush™ Bagged Herbal Tea, 1 oz. Pokeberry Juice, 4 oz. CherryBerry C™ (Lipospheric Vitamin C)

Differences in Product Variations:

Methods of Administration:

  • Herbal Powder – Drinking with a straw may help and the herbal compounds become processed by digestion.
  • Standard Tincture – Herbal compounds pre-extracted in alcohol, which is highly bioavailable, and the compounds are ready for uptake, bypassing digestion.
  • Lipospheric Tincture – Standard tincture that has been put through an oxygenation process that encases herbal compounds into tiny liposphere bubbles. This offers the highest bioavailability available. 
  • Vegetable Glycerite – Vegetable glycerites are sugar-free and alcohol-free. The compounds are pre-extracted just like a tincture, yet the bioavailability is much lower, resulting in having to take twice as much to receive the same effects. Glycerites are suggested for animals, children, or those sensitive to alcohol.
  • Bagged Herbal Tea – Our teabags contain over a teaspoon of herb. Each bag can be brewed three times, each capable of three cups of lovely tea.
  • Vegetarian Capsules – Herbal powder encased in clear, size 00 capsules, which help by avoiding the bitter taste of herbs.


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