Enhancing Culinary Creations with Essential Oils

Cooking preparations are not just about nourishing our bodies; it’s also an art form that allows us to explore flavors, experiment with ingredients, and create delightful experiences. While we often rely on traditional herbs and spices to add depth to our dishes, there’s another secret ingredient that can take your cooking to the next level: … Read more

Biofilm Documentary Brings Topic to Light

biofilm documentary

A recently released biofilm documentary from the Arthroplasty Patient Foundation showcases the reality of bacterial biofilms, and the resulting damage that they cause. Why Am I Still Sick? highlights several patient cases…

Dr. Stephen Harrod Buhner Has Passed…

Stephen Harrod Buhner

Dr. Stephen Harrod Buhner, passed away on December 8, 2022. Yet it was not unexpected, as he predicted and wrote about the process of dying, from his own perspective. He prepared himself and his followers through his posts and blog. He will live on, through his blogs and books, which we will forever cherish. He … Read more

Medicinal Mushrooms Game Changer – Boosting Vitamin D

brown mushroom on ground

Boosting the Vitamin D and nutritional content of your mushrooms and herbs by bathing it in UV light.

Child & Animal Herbal Dosage Guide

This is a guide for “the babes”. Subsequently, mothers with little herbal experience can now worry less, having direction. Consider many factors, primarily the herb itself, its recommendations, cautions, interactions, toxicities, sensitivities, reactions, the child’s overall health, weight, and tolerance. Not all herbs are taken at the same pace or frequency. In conclusion, everyone is different. … Read more