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Child & Animal Herbal Dosage Guide

Herbal Tea

Herbal Tinctures

Herbal Glycerites

References Used: Children’s Dosage Guide | Herb Lore

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My Handcrafted Products…

I utilize plant synergy and its assistance to our well being. I choose wildcrafted over organic because, for me, it was the best quality. I spend my spare time wildcrafting rare plants to offer you full-spectrum compounds wherever and whenever I can. I collaborate compounds, as a single herb may help but nothing compares to the teamwork of the multiple plants. They may assist one another. A single compound has limited capabilities.

Every package has attention paid to every detail and batches are made in small portions, some are even made to order. I formulate, keeping aspects in mind, for example, biofilm dissolution, sanitation capabilities, current infectious pathogens, and more.

Please do not take my product names as any type of advice, especially medical. I have attempted to stay with an “~Ease” and “Solutions” theme. I attempt to go as all-natural as I can. In some cases, a gentle preservative is required, otherwise, some products, like lotion, will only last a week. Only the use of the most gentle is used, where necessary.

There is no other company I am aware of today offering you, the consumer, a way to customize your own protocol to meet your every need! Every package includes a replica of my logo, a beautiful peacock feather! If you prefer not to have a feather, please feel free to say so, along with any concerns, desired additives, or questions. Leave me a message in the commenting section, while completing your order with any special requests, and I will do my best to accommodate! Please give me up to 5 days to ship out a package and be patient while I give your order my full attention.

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Hello To All Dis~Ease Angels!

Enjoy, learn, and please remain patient as we consistently update information throughout this website for you. Please check back in regularly to see “What’s New” and to view new content. Continuously allow your feathers to build and we will have that feature available for trade in at a later date.