Enhancing Culinary Creations with Essential Oils

Cooking preparations are not just about nourishing our bodies; it’s also an art form that allows us to explore flavors, experiment with ingredients, and create delightful experiences. While we often rely on traditional herbs and spices to add depth to our dishes, there’s another secret ingredient that can take your cooking to the next level: … Read more

Dr. Stephen Harrod Buhner Has Passed…

Stephen Harrod Buhner

Dr. Stephen Harrod Buhner, passed away on December 8, 2022. Yet it was not unexpected, as he predicted and wrote about the process of dying, from his own perspective. He prepared himself and his followers through his posts and blog. He will live on, through his blogs and books, which we will forever cherish. He … Read more

Medicinal Mushrooms Game Changer – Boosting Vitamin D

brown mushroom on ground

Boosting the Vitamin D and nutritional content of your mushrooms and herbs by bathing it in UV light.

Rope Worm Partial DNA Genome Translation

rope worm genome

The odds have seemed against any significant progress with Rope Worm studies, for many reasons. First, I must say that this translation is in no way affiliated by the genome founder. I simply spent an entire year translating, categorizing, and organizing the original genome.  Aside from funding for studying Rope Worm DNA being slow, other … Read more

Cleanse & Product Synergy…

Herbs can be selective, meaning, they may fight the harmful organisms while passing by the beneficial ones. They may have capabilities of dismantling harmful biofilms and encysted pathogens. When biofilms, fungi, and mucus are involved, immunity may be compromised. As we kill, sweep, nourish, and support our bodies, what may take place is balance and … Read more