Candida Solutions™


PlantBased Enzymes

Pharmaceutical-Grade / Pure / NO Fillers!

May Support: Fugal-Cell Dismantling, Rope Worm Matter Dissolution, & Assist in Plant Digestion

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Candida Solutions Discussion:

An enzyme blend that focuses on cellulose dissolution, which is what plants are made of, including all species of mold and fungus. 

Studies exist that show how slime mold works intelligently, through a maze, taking the short cuts that lead to the food source. Some species of fungus may have the ability to “move” or “act” like a parasite! They may continually transform into a more harmful, and resistant species. Candida is a fungus that many suffer with and may not even realize it. Many times, we may refer to mold and fungus as “candida” in general, as they may all be the most complex life forms on Earth. For example, bacteria are intelligent, can communicate, and may meld with fungal pathogens!

Plant cell walls are made up of cellulose and hemicellulose, the “glue” that holds the biofilm matrix together. The inner core, or nucleus, is protein. They can form a single cell that grows into a “root”, or a “tooth”, which allows it to stand up, stay in place, and degrade tissues. It uses this root to feed, just as a plant does! This hypha root may one way that we may get “leaky gut” and “leaky brain”.

Understanding the dismantling concept of plant cells may be the key to tackling them. Once the cell wall is damaged, it may leave an opportunity for enzymes and other herbs or supplements to get into the core of the cell. This may reduce the ability to hide from our immune system and lay dormant in our tissues. We may be able to use these enzymes to break down its structure, as well as its strategies!

Many companies out there highly dilute their enzymes, with many ingredients that they may what that enzyme targets! Once an enzyme locks on, this may render their products useless!

These enzymes are child and animal safe, in the appropriate doses. They are vegan-safe, cruelty-free, as they are not taken from the animal directly. They are “pharmaceutical grade”, spending no time wasted on store shelves, which results in a freshness, quality, and possibly a more activity!

We offer 1 oz. of powder, a 4 oz. oral, sublingual spray, or a 4 oz. colloidal liposomal solution. Enzymes have liposomal capabilities, which may enhance the systemic reach.

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 6 in

4 oz. Liquid Oral Spray, 4 oz. Colloidal Solution, 1 oz. Powder


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