

Black Shungite Stones

1-2 Inch Stones

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A natural mineral stone, pronounced “shung-kite” is resourced from Mother Earth and used by us with intentions of protection, healing, and detoxification support. Some claim that the first time they have held these “nuggets of energy”. Some claim that, they could literally feel the power running through them!

Its popularity began long ago when workers at a mine claimed that if you drank the waters that ran from the shungite deposits, you would be resolved from your ailments within three days. From there it began to be used in local spa houses and other healing businesses. Researchers believe that the stone does not heal any illness, rather, it may act similar to an adaptogen, operating on a cellular and whole-body level.

It is important to get your shungite from a reputable source, as is hard to know how to recognize the best quality when they see it. Stones you see will appear differently and go by different categories, which all depend on the carbon content of the stone. We offer the Black Shungite, although we can get all three types. If you wish to have a different type of shungite, simply email us and we can get some to you. We suggest trying the black shungite to see what this stone may or may not do for you first. If you feel this is something you may want to pursue and experiment with higher quality, then go for the elite, which is costly. 

The 4 Types of Shungite;

  • “Silver”, “Elite”, or “Noble” Shungite – omits a silvery shine, due to being compromised of 98%. It is very scarce because it accounts for only 1% of all stones found. It only forms in veins up to 16 inches wide.
  • “Black” – the most common stone and is easy to polish. It contains 50-70% carbon.
  • “Gray” – Gray in color and contains 30-50% carbon.
  • “Shungite Rock” – a term used to indicate that the carbon content is extremely low and sold by the name shungite by snake oil salesmen. Also, many will claim they have Russian shungite but the fact of the matter is, it only comes from one place on the Earth, the Russian part of Karelia and if it is shungite, it IS Russian.

Many also use this stone in their garden. It is said to insert energy into the soil.

We have a product that we offer along with the stones, which consist of nine magnets that have become very popular to use in combination with 3 shungite stones. To read more about our “Pocket Sockets”, simply click on the name to be redirected to another area of the website to read about them.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Single Stones:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


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