

Individual Herbal Products

Standard Tinctures / Lipospheric Tinctures / Glycerites / Capsules / Tea / Loose Herb

Support For: B Complex Source & Immunity

Wildcrafted Dogbane Aerial Part Products


Dogbane  Discussion:

Used in traditional Chinese herbal medicine, mainly for cardiovascular, blood pressure, hypertension, and depression support, and therefore known as Luo Bu Ma. It is also said to have cardioprotective, sedative, and diuretic properties but this would be another herb that has not been properly studied. As a matter of fact, it has only recently begun to even be looked at medicinally by science. 

It is used by many for support with soothing the nerves and calming the liver. It has many constituents but the most well-known would be the natural content of quercetin. It may also give support in the areas of antioxidants, hypertension, and lipid-lowering.

It has shown promising support with lowering blood pressure, which would make it an important tool for the elderly. It is said to do so by increasing nitric oxide production. With further studies, science may find that it may support things like blood vessel relaxation, blood pressure, anxiety, overall detoxification, diabetes, kidney blood flow, headaches, mood swings, vertigo, and hyperactivity related to the liver not functioning properly.

While it sounds great, this is an herb to be respected. This means that it may come with cautions. It is one of those herbs that may offer the best results if used short-term and in low doses. Prolonged use may require advice from your practitioner. Due to its power, for any powdered variations, we will be adding it to ashwagandha. The liquid product dosages are more controllable and only contain dogbane.

Product Variations:

The variations for each product are in the order that we recommend for that specific one. This may give you an idea of which versions to get and where to start if you decide this is the route for you. There may be instances where we use an ingredient that can only come as a liquid. For example, pokeberry juice or essential oil. Only the liquid products will contain that specific ingredient and it will simply have to be left out of the powdered version. Herbal compounds may accumulate, over time. Saturation is key!

Standard Tinctures Herbal compounds extracted in an alcohol base, which may offer the highest absorption. When a tincture sets under the tongue, the microscopic, pre-extracted compounds are readily bioavailable and they absorb through the tissue, similar to plant intake in nature! Alcohol may carry them into the bloodstream, where they may then may circulate to the organs. For this particular blend, we recommend a tincture.

Lipospheric Tinctures Standard tinctures are put through an energetic process to collide the herbal compounds and encase them in oxygenated bubbles. This method is an oxygenation process, which completely changes the color of the solution. This version of a tincture may always off the highest absorption.

Capsules Size 00, vegetable capsules. Our capsules are handmade, to order. 

Herbal TeaEach teabag can be brewed up to three times, resulting in three cups of tea, each. Generally, this means that you may get 60-75 cups of tea per 6 oz. order! Each label specifies the brewing instructions, which highly depends on the parts used in the tea. If you wish to have loose herb, rather than bagged as it comes, simply leave a note specifying so, while completing your order.

GlyceritesHerbal compounds extracted in vegetable glycerin. This may be ideal for those most sensitive and especially children.

Tinctures are animal & child-safe, at the appropriate dosage. They can be used as an additive to personal products like lotion, detox bath, nebulizing, topically, and even as belly button soaks. Best results may come with working up to the highest dose, staying consistent.

We always choose unprocessed, ethically wildcrafted plant material, when possible. We also add freshly harvested, green plant material, wherever we can! This allows for a rare and unique availability of enzymes. Normally these enzymes are lost in the drying process and as far as we know, we are unique to us. Many companies that make simple elixirs don’t even know how to do it properly!

When we purchase herbs, we choose whole plant material, for us to grind into a silky fine powder, as we need it. This ensures quality, freshness, and abundant compounds. “Full-spectrum” means that the product contains every part of the plant, including the roots, and wherever we can, we even add the seed, flower, and/or fruit!

We have had our products energetically tested by an energetic practitioner, using a bioresonance scanning system that is well-known. She reported back that our products were over 300% more energetic than any others in her system! Over the years customers have continued to energetically test our products with their own body and they have passed every test they have ever been put through. Some say they have even surpassed the major brands!

Always use herbals wisely and with common sense!

Happy Cleansing!

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 6 in

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